minimate mini bike

hi my name is minimate. and as a kid i had a mini bike in 1975 made by the minimate with a 4 hp clinton engine chrome fenders and frunt shocks but no brakes. i would like to find one and restore it but this time with if someone has one thay would to sell please call me ph 916 410 1329 larry:thumbsup:
your parents must have really loved minimates to name you that.
:doah: :001_rolleyes:

I don't know about for sale but a few of us have them. I have one. Randy has one that sounds JUST like yours.. There was one for sale on craigslist here in Michigan, and believe the owner is a member here OR is a member heres buddy.. Depending on who is what.. :laugh: I will try to track it down and get you hooked up to the right guy..
