My 80cc Hack Job

Started this project a week ago when a friend of mine bought an 80cc Motovox bike from Sears in Saranac Lake, NY for $300. He brought the bike back and we rode it in the parking lot at school. Neither of us were impressed with it. He bought a 208cc motor from northern tool that dropped right in surprisingly. Its FAST!! He sold me the 80cc motor for $25, a really good deal considering its brand new. Just the other day I came across a rolling frame in ok shape. I offered the owner of the frame $10 and he gave it to me including a #35 drive chain, wheels, sproket, seat, twist throtle and frame. With a little effort I got the 80cc motovox motor mounted and the chain on. It still needs some things but, is very fun too ride.
cool cool. That is the wackiest fork repair iv ever seen! Looks like they cut out the bent section and cob jobed some pipe back in. kinda cool actually :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
That's what it is all about. Not 800 dollars into a fancy friggin redo you are afraid to ride. Good job.
On the fork, now that's redneck engineering.