my local CL find. 2 1/2hp


New Member
i just picked up this lil 2 1/2hp B&S from a guy up the road from me. $20, not bad. he said he took it off a lawn mower 25 or 30 yrs ago. it turns over, not sure about spark and it needs gas. ill see if i can get it started in the a.m.


New Member
im happy with it. there is spark and the tank is clean as a wistle. serial # 610926 so i think its sept. 26 1961. am i rite milo?


New Member
im gonna keep it and hopefully find a decent roller to put it on. i would put on my bird but i been putting $$ into my 5hp B&S. it was cheap and a 2 min ride to get it, why not. now i have to wait till the GF gets home and see my new purchase, the couch looks coumfy tonite.
hey milo, its still in that order!!!:thefinger:
oh sorry dude lol i wasnt on the mauch last nite ok
ok its a 3 hp its 8 cubic inches design series 0 horizontal shaft its has a normal bushing on out put and magneto side it has a rewind start it was manufactured in 1961 i belive on the 26th of september on line 0