my most used shop tool

When your favorite tool is a hammer evey problem looks like a nail lol.

However for those who like adjustable wrench just as much there is a tool called the rastall wrench that actualy combines a hammer, cresent and box end 13/16. I have one, it was made for pipe fitting....

Torches I like too my fav is probably my 1937 C&L 308 gasoline torch. Just don't bring it in the house and solder pipes with the wife home. They get excited and not in a good way around a 70 year old presurize brass tank full of burning gas.

I also have some PL Robertson " Original " Socket head screw drivers. If your an American and not familiar with them thats a pity. the only screw system ever made that can't cam out and will hold a screw upside down by friction/taper fit only.

My Brundy mini copper lug compression tool and weidmueler ratchet cutters are nice for elecrtrcial work ( Big wire lol ).

My KING DICK sockets and spanners ( war production vintage in french gray finnish )....
The name is cool and whitworth and BSP bolts are loads of fun. I epsecialy like to head over to a big box store with a BSP bolt and ask the first kid I can find for help mathcing nut when I am bored and want to have fun at someones expense. Pricess for that class of fatsner is now way out line so I also have a Warwick tap and dye set so I can make my own replacements.

Gib head key extractor....
No one seems to know what thats for anymore and its a great conversation piece.

But my fav tool I guess would have to be the humble file. I make alot of parts by hand and can't live without my file sets


Growing up is optional
Mine is 4" Makita angle grinder with a 1/16 wide cutting wheel, you can take anything apart with it (a little at a time) cut odd shapes, clean rusty parts for welding, make things fit, and on and on and on.
A shop radio tuned to Radio 2 so you can listen to classical music and slowly be turned into a comunist by way of commentary and CBC left wing slant lol.

I like to listen to Shostakovich when I work then I can be subversive to the CBC programing lol.

Seriously I do like to listent o some soothing Clasical music when I work and drive. I find it keeps me from breaking things on the shop and rage on the roads lol.

Actulay anything that drowns out the nag of the wife is good......
haha, dan i dont know if i should come over any more. i dont want to be stored in a fridge. lol i lived in michigan and i prefer not to live in that weather anymore.
I would say my 1/4" autozone rachet, 3" extension, 10mm, 8mm, and 12mm sockets. I hardly ever need much else as for some reason everything I work on is almost the same dam size
Have you ever used it as an engine stand? It will also hold my mini off the ground and allow both wheels to spin freely to check drive train and brakes. Get a little creative dude!
Also it's sold at lowes and sears not on TV so much
My dad's drill from probably the 70's or 80's that could have been his dad's (my grandpa's) which looks like some sort of 50's style alien weapon it had tons or attachments then we use to grind away rust, drill through stuff, etc.