I got one problem fixed just to run in to another. I added the fule pump and the bike seems to finaly be running right no longer flooding or starving but I when I went to test ride the bike woolden't move. It had thrown all the set screws on the jackshaft, allowing one keyway to slip out, I must have forgoten to tighten them, eazy enough fix I should have this bike running this week.
I also replaced a falty loose trottle grip (would not tighten up) and got the higher engagement clutch springs installed.
The jetting seems to be close because this bike screams when I twist the throttle but I'll check just to be safe. I would have got more done this weekend, like mounting the clutch guard but I caught a cold so my nose has been going for 3 days which makes it hard to concentrate, It got a bit better today hence the progress, another day or two and I should be right as rain.