Opinion Needed On A Fox Doodlebug.

I need everyone's opinion and just a little peek at an upcoming project log. This bike is my second and it is for my oldest daughter. Although I don't like black or white bikes that much, she has chosen to go with a black. The black is unusual in that there is a WHOLE lotta flake in it and as you move, it shifts color through the rainbow. I actually like this color. Anyway, I need opinions on whether to go with a black or white engine. The seat will be all white with pink piping and stitching. I threw my Campus seat on it just to get an idea.

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Fantastic!! Pink and black. Takes me back to the early 1950's. If you were hip, those were "THE" colors back then. Your daughter has a good sense of color. My wife says to go with the black motor; and when it comes to things like that I don't argue. I'd let your daughter choose and then go with it. Excellent job Doc. Ogy


Well-Known Member
I did a bike with a paint labeled "black effect" (base/clear) It was not as flaked as yours though but it changed colors in different lights/angles.

I painted the engine silver I thought it came out pretty pretty good, but my wheels were also matching.

Not very sunny out in this pic:
doodle bug colors

black the motor silver all the nuts and bolts and dura chrome the side cover ,air filter housing and half the fuel tank .dura chrome seen on youtube. hey just a thought its some real amazing stuff
Thanks guys,

Black it is.

Now if I just had the seat delivered I could put the finishing touches to this and test ride it.

Thanks for the opinions. I have no sense for that sort of thing.
