Pet peeves?


Active Member
My problem is that I am always checking out all of the (younger) ladies whenever I have to go out in public. Sometimes, I even follow a choice specimen around the store while I wait for my wife to manhandle all the produce and read all of the labels to make sure this product fits into her diet of the month. This month, it's KETO.
When the young(er) lady stops strutting her stuff long enough to look at something on the shelf and casually looks up to greet me, it's a dude in a dress with a beard! In NORTH CAROLINA, no less!
That'll teach ya you old perv......HaHaHaHa . :D
My problem is that I am always checking out all of the (younger) ladies whenever I have to go out in public. Sometimes, I even follow a choice specimen around the store while I wait for my wife to manhandle all the produce and read all of the labels to make sure this product fits into her diet of the month. This month, it's KETO.
When the young(er) lady stops strutting her stuff long enough to look at something on the shelf and casually looks up to greet me, it's a dude in a dress with a beard! In NORTH CAROLINA, no less!
Well.. they say you can't tell in the dark....:D

Mr. Pink

Well-Known Member

The 212 sticker is made of vinyl and easily removed without damage with the aid of a hair dryer.
The sticker will still have enough stickum left to correctly reposition.