Seeking year and model number

How can i determine the year and model of a 3 hp Briggs? The head is stamped with an 8C and the back of the flywheel is stamped with a G 1 and a 50? The shroud has been replaced so that s no help.


Well-Known Member
Shroud is the only real way! Post up a pic, especially of the carb...that will help us to get you close. What do you need for it?
Looks to be an early to mid 1970s carb and tank. I believe white was a common 70s colour, and I have had many 70s briggs with that carb butterfly/linkage thing. By the way, that carb is called a pulsa-jet.
Looks to be an early to mid 1970s carb and tank. I believe white was a common 70s colour, and I have had many 70s briggs with that carb butterfly/linkage thing. By the way, that carb is called a pulsa-jet.
Thanks. Do you happened to no the carb part number. I'm looking for an intake tube. Ordered one online but its to long.
Not seeing a full picture of your engine, but G + 50 on the flywheel usually indicates on Briggs engine July 1950. I have a couple 5s engines with the same carb and tank


Well-Known Member
Looks late 60's to me. Give us a pic of the motor and the pickup tube. There were a few different options, could be brass or plastic.
Car play would you happen to have a 1968 briggs airfilter housing, air filter housing screw, exhaust and maybe a few other things? Or do you know where I could get them?


Well-Known Member
Tried that one but its to long 2.5 inches. The depth is only about 1.5 inches.
I just measured one I have sticks out 1.25". The longer usually goes on the tank pickup.

I went outside ...wouldn't ya know it. I have an engine that is like yours, but because it's a snowblower engine, the numbers are not on the shroud!

Lucky7, I don't have what you need, but please refrain from hijacking another man's thread! PM's are the way to go!


Well-Known Member
go here

I had the number correct. Look at the "more info" has a scale in inches!
sorry, site won't let me post the email address...try this
go here
jacks small engines dot com ,
click on Briggs and Stratton engines, then click on diagrams, and then not at the top, but further down in the box has the faint words starting with "example", just type in 130202-0015-99 and search. Go to carbs and click on the diagram. Go to part number 612 and click more info. It will open up a smaller window and have the part with a scale to dimensions. This is your part!

Sorry Hent, I struggle to find stuff any other way!