that old feeling..

a couple of days ago I did some short street I do in areas adjacent to my street ..every few days ..sparsely housed with small inclines,long blocks and long curves(super fun) to go fast on...I do see people outside their homes sometimes and none has ever showed anger to me..I look carefully at stop signs..saw the side of a sheriffs suv rolling slow across a street down the way ..maybe some hater called...they don't frequent the area...don't know if was there for me think he didn't see me I did a ui and hauled butt back making a few jogs home going into my open gate around was the old it wrong I feel a rush from that. lol : p


Well-Known Member
there goes the neighborhood!:laugh:

I think as long you are not riding up and down the same street, back and forth, be the rebel and get the rush from it!
Around here there are just as many 4 wheelers and side by sides that ride around as there is cars. A few years ago a new state trooper moved in and started writing tickets for them all but the judge kept throwing them out (as long as they weren't drunk or causing damage) so she gave up. The local sheriff deputies and constables just wave. We just pull over and give the legal highway users right of way and they let us be. Gotta love living in the sticks.
I found that waving at people in their yards went a long way when I would be riding my mini bikes in residential areas. Most would smile and wave back. Never had a problem with the cops in those areas.
I always wave and some people wave back...there are not many minis's mostly 4 wheelers here and non street legal dirt bikes that have gears that go faster than me so ...minis get a bad rap coz kids on four wheelers go around exceeding 50 to 70 mph or more with little regard for safety when in more sparse residential type's that lack of respect and care that spoils it for riders like me..I don't even run straight pipes..some people just get mad because you are having fun and technically you are not riding a street legal bike . hell I go slower than the street legal bikes do in same areas..I do live in an area with more empty land than homes a few miles from forest..I stay close to home in case I break down..guess I will be like..officer..I'm not riding on the asphalt..I'm pushing it on the road :D
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