this sucks

my cell phone finally died on me. it's been flaky for the last week or two and now i can't make/receive calls or text because the screen is just white.

i went to the at&t store a little bit ago to get a new phone (thinking Blackberry or IPhone) and found out i couldn't get a new one. my phone and my dad's phone are on the same account and i'm not an authorized user on it. now he has to contact at&t and have them add me, wait a day or so for the change to take place and then i can finally get a new phone.

since i don't have a phone (no landline) and don't know my parent's phone number (it's stuck in my phone) i can only contact them through email. they only check it every 2-3 days it seems so this kind of sucks. it's nice not having people bug me, but now i can't get hold of anyone either.

my life sure is horrible isn't it? :laugh:
wow, my parents actually got back to me quick. all i have to do is verify some info and i can get a new phone.

i'm just hoping i get done with building the 5.5 for my mini before the at&t store closes. at least i have my priorities straight. :laugh:
i got a new phone today. i started feeling cheapish and went with the Samsung Eternity. i hate having to figure out new phones. this one is all touch screen and is pretty nice.

the dude said he put my old phone in the box. after i got home i was looking at the instructions and noticed it wasn't in there. i kind of want to go get it back but it's broken and all it will do is sit here. i mainly just want to get the sim card out of it so i have a back up of all my numbers. i tried calling the store earlier but couldn't get through. i don't particularly feel like driving 15-20 minutes to the place to get it either (plus it's raining a bunch).