Turning down crankshaft rpm

Somewhere in the vicinity of 500 rpm. If it has a keyway, you'll need a tool that's rated for an interrupted cut, like brazed tip carbide.
For those who have a lathe and have turned down a crankshaft (clutch side). What rpm did you use? Thanks
make sure you use a live end and a dog. 350 rpm hss tool bit. but i would defer to these guys
i'm just a hack. that speed and tool worked ok.

how are you going to cut the keyway?


Active Member
Thanks it is just a tad bit small in diameter but may be able to be shimed the one thing I would do a little different is to make more of a radius at the root of the PTO .. for me this was a major ordeal next time I will pay a REAL machinist LOL :thumbsup: