Vplex Clutch Driver Worth Anything?

Good morning,

Let me start off by saying that I don't know anything about minibikes. I was trying to fix an old engine and through doing research online, I figured out it has a Vplex clutch driver and that perhaps it might have some value to old minibike people? I would hate for a good part to go to waste (if it's any good) as I could replace it with a new cheap unit and not know the difference because I don't care about originality.

Model: V-plex 18C6B26

3/4 Shaft

Can someone please tell me the value? I don't know if its $2 or $200. Thank you.

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And I quote from the rules of this forum, "What's it worth? These threads aren't acceptable here. It's worth what you will pay for it, or sell it for. "