As this engine is not part of a minibike I thought this post would best fit here in the off topic section.
This little engine has been used to drive a vaccuumpump for milking cows, as I've been told. It must have been before my time. As far as I can identify the engine; It's British/England and old. I haven't tried to start it, but it has some compression.
I always thought it was a B&S, but the plate on top of the engine (next to the sparkplug) isn't B&S. It has some kind of logo on it and it says "England", as far as I can read the worn plate.
Any experts on this?
This little engine has been used to drive a vaccuumpump for milking cows, as I've been told. It must have been before my time. As far as I can identify the engine; It's British/England and old. I haven't tried to start it, but it has some compression.
I always thought it was a B&S, but the plate on top of the engine (next to the sparkplug) isn't B&S. It has some kind of logo on it and it says "England", as far as I can read the worn plate.
Any experts on this?