Weird leaking problem

I bought a Robin America/Subaru Ex 13 engine last year. I installed a Briggs and Stratton fuel line shutoff. When the shutoff is on and the choke is closed gas sprays from where the carburetor joins the engine. If I turn off the shutoff valve it runs fine without the leaking. I can run the engine a long time with the fuel shutoff closed, it doesn't run out of gas. I installed the shutoff with the air pointing to the carb. I could run with the shutoff closed but I want to know if anyone has an idea why this is happening.
Already did that. Am going to try bypassing the fuel shutoff. Also, the gas tank was one that didn't come with the engine, it is actually slanted up from the fuel outlet. But I figured as long as I kept enough gas in it, it would be okay. The carburetor is drop fed so I can't believe compression would suck the fuel through a closed shutoff. Sorry bought the typing, text too much.