What do you do for a living?

I've been at both ends of the spectrum. I drove a box truck and made deliveries right out of high school for a year, then I did a purchasing job for a few years, then I did underground work at the coal mine, I did a maintenance planning job for a few years, now I have a corporate job.

They all have theirs and downs. Physical labor underground killed my knees. Thats why I wanted back into a desk job and bidded on the planner job which was about 70% office 30% underground. That was a great mix. Now I am about 95% office 5% underground. I'd like to see more underground time again.
I know there are the ups/downs with any job. I've been doing the same thing for 13 years and make shit (being partially commission based doesn't help). While this job barely pays the bills, I've got a decent nest egg and could just leave and hope to find something else.

I really like the people I work with (aside from the few douches). That's what keeps me there for the most part. I also don't want to start a new job and be the low man on the totem pole. I have seniority at my job and use it to my advantage at times. I'm an ass about it and pull the "I've been here x years, so you get to do it" thing. Luckily I'm cool with our 2 new guys and they get it. I also do just as much (or more) heavy lifting than they do so they know I'm not just being a lazy prick. I'm fork lift certified, they aren't. I also know that once our GM knows you can do something, that's your job for as long as you work with the company. I play dumb all the time now when he asks me to do something I don't want to do. :laugh:
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I work at a WWTP, I maintain the equipment our turdherders use/break on an hourly basis.

Yep we're proud to take the poop out of your drinking water.

Really the water we put back into the river is only a few steps away from being safe to drink it would be safer to drink than the river water itself.

On the front end of the process it's a good place to build up an immune system......or die.


Well-Known Member
I also don't want to start a new job and be the low man on the totem pole. I have seniority at my job and use it to my advantage at times.
My Ex-wife never understood what you are saying there. She would hope from job to job then complaint hat she couldn't get days off and got stuck with the "crap" work.

She never understood why I could pretty much take a day off whenever I wanted, and could get away with passing on the jobs I didn't want to do.

That means a lot.

Of course if the money is bad......But you live in high priced dream land out there. 100k a year is probably under paid.

40k a year here can live pretty comfortably, have a decent little house, and a nice car.
IT HAS BEGUN.......the alien invasion has begun I'm reaching for my tin foil hat right now and going underground.
According to the off topic discussion board this thread has 166 posts.
What do you do for a living? (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page) live topic Jeff Clark Today 02:35 PM by Slavoj Go to last post 166 6,838 views

Yet this post is marked #154 (permalink).

Where are the other missing 12 posts?
Some are from me but what else is missing?
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Procces tech for Dupont. Witch is sit on the procces board for 12 hours, make sure the plant don't go boom and make the news. Been in the plants for 10 years. Started off pulling wire as a helper, shaking my head at all the lazy opperators with there feet on the desk all day. Now with a bit of school and plant work I joined them lazy ranks. Some jobs pay not for what you do,but what you are responsible for when you are there.

To the young guys in high school wondering what to do with yourself after high school. Down here in houston the oppertunity is ripe for picking. Get out out high shool, go and take the 2 year procces tech program. These jobs are eveywhere down here and pay 100k+ a year on stright time in a area with a low cost of living. Find a plant with lots of overtime, some guys hit the 150-160k a year mark.
I was a Process Improvement Engineer for what is now the largest plastic food packaging company in the world. We made polystyrene foam and OPS (clear polystyrene) Meat trays, egg cartons, fast food takeout containers, etc. I worked for them for 29 years, before the Bean Counters decided that the organization needed to be restructured and decided to get rid of 1900 people.
I found that nobody wants a 55 year old guy on their payroll and I went to work for my cousin at his clutch and driveline shop....Now I rebuild vintage car and truck clutches and work the counter as well.
I have more time for my toys now, but less cash. Can't have everything.