What fresh hell is this???

So since I couldn't get the Thunderbird to keep running once it got started, I planned on taking the whole carburetor apart to clean it thoroughly. I even bought a carb rebuild kit (on the way in the mail). But of course, when I took the priming bulb off, it appears that there are no jet screws. This is all I see opposite the fuel intake

So, what carb do I have? I am thinking I am just going to get a new carb for this bike, but I am still curious about a carb without the ability to fine tune.

KC, I can't really tell from your pic but the area that you are showing MAY be what they call a Welch plug. If indeed it is a Welch plug it can be removed and you would find either two small holes or in some carbs it hides a mixture screw. If it's covering two small holes then these are the idle ports and it's possible that they need to be cleaned out. Mind you I'm not guaranteeing anything. I'm just making an educated guess. I've attached a couple of pics that my help. Good luck. Ogy
Hey Ogy,

Unfortunately that is not a plug. It is part of the whole carb casting and I can see into it. There is a small hole inside that I believe is the air draw when you press the priming bulb (which came out of this circular space.

So, what would be the model number for a good carb to replace this one with? I have looked on line and seen different carbs at varied pricing (from $30 to over $100).

And what's the story on the carbs with a "shutter" on both ends? Is one a "choke"? Or do both somehow get connected to the throttle arm off the throttle regulator?

Will this carb work? Don't really want to pay $80 to $100 for a carb (for a bike I only paid $100). What is that brass nipple on the carb? Will I need to connect it to something? Plug it? Or do I have to bite the bullet and get the more expensive carb?