Who plays Guitar here

Just Curious who here knows how to play guitar an what do you know how to play and what guitar do you play i know how to play : Bang your head, iron man, highway to hell, dirty deeds, sunshine of your love, black magic woman,
american woman, smoke on the water, D-minor pentatonic scale, the blues sclae, roxxane, mesage in a bottle, an i belive thats it i wana know what u can play lol
i know how to play welcome to the jungle, sweet home Alabama, house of the rising sun, blow me away, anthem of the underdog, black magic woman, smoke on the water, one , and some gospel songs my grandma likes(gotta please the grandma):freakout:.but i want to learn that one song by drowning pool(i forgot its name). i use a electric ibanez SZR520 ,a palmer acoustic(brought it from El Salvador) and i have squire mini strat signed by jay Taylor. i want to get a Gibson les paul:punk:
I used to play a lot and my uncle still plays with his band from time to time and has his own studio.

I used to play a ton of songs (mostly blues, 60's and 70's music and or anything on the radio ) The first song I learned starting out was "house of the rising sun" did the blues thing then Niel,Zep, Hendrix and later stuff.
I used to be in bands. Now I don't remember how to play anything, and get bored real quick.

Still have a Washburn electric I bought new in about 1985. Still have my Peavey Foundation bass, and my Hamer 5 string bass.
Well, you know I play and what I play. I play some leppard, Ozzy, Poison, Sabbath, Iron Maiden and more.... Its just a hobby, but it's a rush when you stand in front of a bunch of people playing in public.....
Well, you know I play and what I play. I play some leppard, Ozzy, Poison, Sabbath, Iron Maiden and more.... Its just a hobby, but it's a rush when you stand in front of a bunch of people playing in public.....
yea i know i get it when im just sitin in the kitchen plunkin in front of family
I play . . . I play lots of blues progressions, most playing modern rock stuff these days i.e. Angels and Airwaves, Airborne Toxic Event, My Chemical Romance. I also like to play older modern rock stuff (oxymoron maybe?) like The Cult. I got a US Strat, Reverend Jetstream, Gretsch 5120, a Washburn acoustic and a Goya 12 string. For amps I got a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier running through a Peavey 5150 4 x 12 cab. I also have a VOX AD30VT Modeling Amp. It's all way more than I need and the gear definitely outshines my skills. But I traded up for most of it and did odds jobs here and there to scrape it all together. I enjoy the gear as much as I do playing it. Guitars are one of my passions. I am still searching for that elusive Gold Top Les Paul. One day soon she'll be mine! I have a buddy's Les Paul Custom hanging on the wall and it sounds just un-friggin believable through the Boogie. The first time I tuned it to Drop D and hit a chord through that thing I thought I met god. But alas I have to give it back to him.
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I still play guitar quite a bit. I have a 1968 Gibson SG standard and a cheaper Epiphone G-400 SG vintage worn brown that has been modified with a 57' classic humbucker and a angus young sig humbucker and bumblebee cap's hand rewired. My everyday amp is a Marshall MG50DFX and a 70's JTM45 full stack. I mostly play AC/DC and metallica. Been leaning into some country songs lately for some reason and its actually harder to play :eek:ut:
I don't listen to too much country but boy those guys can play. No hiding behind gain or overdrive either. Brad Paisley actually did a whole record of guitar tunes. Even though it sounds easy, that stuff requires solid technical skills for sure.
Spend a weekend in Nashville and hang out at Tootsie's and the other Honky tonks and you will have a whole new appreciation of country music artist. Theres a lot of talent there thats just waiting for a record deal, The bands play at these places play for tips only. Its amazing the songs they know and can play if you request something and how well they play it. And I,m not a Carrier Underwood fan or any of that sissy girlie country they like to play on the radio know a days. I like outlaw country. Like Waylon Jennings. Hank jr. David allen coe.and others.
How about Alabama????
Hell yeah!, Were a bunch of rednecks out here in NW Ohio. I saw Alabama in concert back in the mid 90s their were awesome and Tracy Byrd open for them he was really good and also he played at a local country bar after the show here in Toledo. I love country concerts you can not find better looking women then at a country concert.
i usto play some but never really got into it too much. I knew alot of nirvana and some older stuff. I still have my fender stratocasterII and my dads old Hagstrom sunburst bass from the 60's