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  • Hey Dude that was a blast, I had a great time!!!! I hope we have more of them. Maybe next time we should charge a small fee so Paul dont get stuck with the whole bill? What do you think??
    ditto, paulo. we have to find a cool spot where we can all just ride!!
    Mac is running an 18 tooth I am running a 14 tooth. he is geared much higher. It was a blast.
    To The OldMiniBikes Crew I met at MAC's 2011 Yard Sale!:bowdown:...It was a pleasure meeting you guys and I had a BLAST! Thanks!:thumbsup:
    Just wanted to say "WusssUuup" to all the guys into mini bikes!:scooter:
    Been wanting to try to post a pic of my Taco 99 but, have been unsuccessful at it!:shrug: One day my upload will work...hopefully:doah:!
    haha! That's awesome! Sheesh! You make it soo tempting!:) well, if the purple one is still around by the time i pick up the 22... We'll have to see!:)
    thanks for always including me!:)
    purple taco hit the open market ....its show quality.....if you like it i'll give you both for 1000 one to ride and to look at like my red one lol
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