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  • Hey,

    Can you check out my post and let me know if my mini bike is a broncco?

    I had a tx1 deluxe back in the late 80's early 90's then it was stolen from my back yard in the 00's. I'd like to get a broncco for my little guy so he can have as much fun as I did.

    Let me know what you think.
    Hi Ludwig, They are hard bikes to find, esp in complete condition. Your best bet is ebay or craigslist or swap meets. You'll probably find someone at the Winber Meet in June that either has one or has contacts to someone who does have one. We searched a while to find ours. You might try to look up a guy named Steve Salemi, he used to have a red one that was trying to sell for $4500, not sure if he still has it...Good luck.
    I had a Benelli volcano as a kid 25 yrs ago, I have been looking for one for a long time, can you tell me where I could find a complete Volcano or even parts?

    Thank You Sir
    Hi there Jeff. I heard that you really know your stuff when it comes to bronccos. i have a 1969 or 1970 broncco tc4. im wondering if you know of any place where i can get parts. the bike is complete, but i am thinking of restoring it for my senior project(im in high school). i also am trying to get a manual for it. i would really appreciate any info you have on these bikes. you can contact me on here or at Thanks Tyler.
    Hi Glenn, Been very busy has me swamped. I have my orange Tx-6 80% complete...been sitting that way for a year now!! Ugh! I also have a TX-1 I am restoring along with a Fun Kart..They are just sitting in the garage waiting to be restored and ridden! How's everything with you? You did a nice job on your bikes...Keep postin those pics!!
    Hi Jeff, i've got a problem, I have a Broncco TX-11 fantichino and I can't seem to find any information on this thing, what engine its supposed to have, or any parts I could buy like the seat, gas tank cover, or chain gaurd. I've heard that you are really into Broncco's and was wondering if you had any info on them, or if I am stuck with some mini that nobody knows about. Please reply and thanks!

    hi jeff, just wondering if i could ask you a few questions about my broncco tx7
    is here the best place to ask? thanks
    Jeff, Do you know if the flywheel has more than one magnet? I'm reading that if there is more than one magnet than the electronic ignition will not work. You don't happen to have points and condensor for the tx-6 do you?
    Continued... My guess is yous is might be shot as well. However there is a bolt behind the inspection cover that you can adjust it. If the clutch is spent, then you can look on Ebay for a new one. They are a little expensive, $50-$75 usually. In terms of getting a kickstand...that is very tough!! No one wants to just sell a kickstand. You can look for after market ones., same with cables, and the other parts. Seach Ebay and craigslist. Parts for these are tough to find, but they can be found. Good luck with it!!
    hkyplr528 - Yes the TX-6 has a coil. It's supposed to be under the seat, and it's a dark maroon color. Youre electronic ignition might work though. With regard to the wheels, I've done several bikes. On the ones I wanted the "original" look, I had them professionally polished. However if yours have a lot of rust and pitting, there isnt much you can do other than to get them blasted then powder coated. If they are in decent shape, then you can just scuff them up and paint them. I'm a big powder coat fan, as it's so durable and fairly inexpensive these days. Putting stones or marbles in your gas tank can work well, but you have to be careful not to shake it too hard...if you do, there will be tons of little dents. I cant remember the name but there is a great product out there that completely cleans the inside of gas tanks...I'd check on this website, because I'm sure someone can remember the name. The clutches on these were very weak, and most bikes nowadays have a clutch that is shot.
    I truley believe I will get this going as long as the electronic ingitition works. I'm also going to look for one of the plugs you suggested, NGK- B6Hs - B8HS, or champ- L7J, L82c. I will get pics out here hopefully by this weekend. Also, any Idea where I can pick up a few parts, kickstand, clutch cable and attachments for it, kill switch, light switch, info on hooking up the lights, foot shifter. I hope to get pic's out here by this weekend. I bought the Broncco for $30 back in like 1977, saved up from my paper route, it didn't run, my Dad added a rubber hose to bottom of carb, plugged it and added a hose clamp and it ran for quite a while. I'm very excited about the thought of getting her running again. Bill
    Hey Jeff,
    Does the Tx-6 have a coil? I bought electronic ignition to try and get it running, although the directions state not to use with multiple magnets, I hope this will still work, as I don't have points and condensor for it. what are your thoughts on this working? What did you use to clean the rims? I read somewhere to put little stones and shake in the gas tank to clean out all rust and things, will this work? Also the clutch was never set up, would you know the best way to get this hooked up and operable after I get this Broncco running.
    I'm about 4hrs from cosmo. I've recently done some business with larry weiss. Did you have any benellis as a kid? Thanks for keeping an eye out for me with the volcano. I've wanted one for a long time. Feel free to give my info to Joe Purshock or anyone who may have a lead on one.
    Hi jeff,
    I'm would like to find a couple volcanos. I'm a huge benelli fan. I have 5 really nice dynamos, 1 hornet, and a really cool italjet 50cc. I'd like to add a volcano or two to my collection lol. Some of these bikes I've had since new. I even have some volcano parts. There's a benelli dealer about 4 miles from my house. Still there with the benelli sign up lol.
    Feel free to give my info out to any possible leads on a volcano.
    Hi Jeff,

    I was wondering if you were interested in selling your Benelli Volcano?

    lilbike66 - it should have a rear drum brake on it. What model did you get and then I can tell you for sure... 2 stroke, 4 stroke?? If you have pics, I can def. tell you what model it is. Most of them had rear drums on them, and some had both front disc and rear drum.
    hello my name is Tony . I just purchased a fantic motor mini o-off craigs list with no brakes it has the original front disc on the front wheel how do I put brakes on it ? do I have to use the original set up or is there another option ? I just need it to stop. thanks
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