
  1. CarPlayLB

    Winber name badges...check in here!

    OldMiniBikes'ers going to Winber...I am jealous! As many of you know, I am making name tags for OldMiniBikes'ers going to Winber. I have made a list, checked it twice, and here is what I have. Please add to the list, or preferably PM me with your first name and OldMiniBikes user name. If you PM'd me in the past and are...
  2. RideSF

    WTB bonanza forks, swing arm, front kidney bean and bonanza badges

    Hey guys I'm looking for bonanza swing arm, forks, badges, kick stand and a front kidney bean. Thanks!
  3. Fat Boy

    Mickey Bike Covers and Badges

    I tried to get a set of them from Jeff Clark and could not get a set so I will be having sets made for sale . PM me if interested The more we have casted the cheaper they will be . Also making Mickey Bike Frames in a jig from a original bike we borrowed for the jig and coping the...