
  1. Outlaw Ace

    Rupp Dart Cycle on OKC CL

    https://images.craigslist.org/00m0m_5CsQtIQtSWN_600x450.jpg Too bad it was badly butchered or I'd be chasing my kids around on it, frame was raised and stretched and the suspension on the forks is gone or welded up with a weird axle mount. Wants to trade a JD lawn tractor which I have but not...
  2. Outlaw Ace

    Bird Wren on OKC CL $125

    Looks to have the original white Tec with side fill tank and the seller says it starts and runs easily, only $125. I'm not buying any more for a while because I'm considering moving back to a rural area and will have to find storage for tons of stuff as it is. Someone can post a link if they want.
  3. dakota

    Nice mini in OKC area
