Gave up building big block Chevy's years ago, and went to my favorite love. Mini Bikes.
I see there is some interest in the side poopers, that trickle down to all our engines.
Got a seized side pooper I was gonna toss out, but here is the Grumpy Jenkins trick
to bring back any of our...
Im looking to spend around $100 on a working project bike and when I say working a good engine and a good frame.
I live around chillicothe ohio and it would have to be a local deal send me a private message if you have anything.
I was invited to this private MX museum last night (Tom White was my service manager at OC Yamaha back in the 70's) and here's that web link to check it out:
Welcome to the Early Years of Motocross
....Anyone know if there's a way I can read my Private Messages,
then mark them "un"-read when I'm done.
My problem is that after I read them I have a tendency to forget,
and when I go back to try to find the message again it blends in
with all the other private messages that I've...
I know I am not a paying member at this time, but why does OldMiniBikes only have a 20 PM Limit?
All the Car Sites I have start at 100 or 200.
The two sites that I am a paying member on, I have a 2000 PM Limit.
Not trying to really bitch, but only 20 causes issues when you are working with a...
would it be possible to have it so we can have more than 20 private messages stored?
i find that i have to clean mine out every few days and having to choose what to delete is kind of a pain at times.
maybe make it so supporting members get more? most other sites i go on do it this way...
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