
  1. maddcarson

    Any of the cool cats from 2008-2011 still active?

    Hello OldMiniBikes. Its Maddcarson. I don’t think any of the newer members remember me because last time I was active was around 2011. Just checking in and seeing how many of “the good ol days” people from the Southern California are are still active. Minibikepaul George Evil ED Wyote/ Rodney Charles/...
  2. mini one

    Thanks to all of the Veterans

    Today and Everyday, Thank You
  3. buckeye

    Thank you Veterans

    I know there are a bunch on this forum. Thank you for your service and sacrifices. Thank a Veteran today.
  4. florida4x4s

    Bigger Avatar ???

    Just curious how to make a bigger avatar ? Many of the veterans here , have some nice ones. Thanks in advance.
  5. F

    New from California

    Hi all. Just started a minibike/scooter/bicycle project. Here to learn some tricks from the veterans.
  6. S

    Early Taco?

    Got some help here before the holidays and found a new project Im trying to ID.. Any Help from you veterans would be appreciated. Scrub brake on the right side... Three Bolt Rims...
  7. mountain38

    Happy Veterans Day!

    I just want to say happy Veterans Day to all of the service men and women out there. I have great respect for everyone of you and for all you have sacrificed over the years. If you have a picture of you when you were in the service lets see it! Thanks all Jason PA
  8. J

    Thank you Veterans

    I thought I would put this post .. For the past and present veterans amongst us. As a veteran myself, I would like to thank everybody for what they've done for us and our freedom, and the commitments they've made.. Thank you!!
  9. byron ness

    tomorrow is Veterans Day

    With all the negatives on here lately, I was thinking about something much more uplifting and worthwhile. Tomorrow being Veterans Day, I hope we all reflect on what so many men and women have given to us. There are so many times I have thought about the freedoms we have, and yet I seem to forget...
  10. jbrewton

    Veterans Day 2012

    I'd like to see our members post up their service history? Maybe Branch and Rank and any other details they'd like to share. I'm sure we have a glorious group of patriotic heroes in OldMiniBikes. And I for one say "THANK YOU" for all you've done! This also includes all members from outside the USA as...
  11. jpbajawarrior

    Veterans Shout Out

    Since It Is Memorial Day weekend I thought all the Vets should give a shout out and also remember the ones of us who didn't make it back. If your a vet drop your name and unit along with time of service. I salute you!!!!! Jason Powell USMC 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion...
  12. N

    Bought my first mini-need advice from the veterans

    I bought an MTD today at a car show. I paid $140.00 for it, which I thought was fair?? Anyhow, I have a ton of questions. Is this model MTD (anyone know what year this was made?) plentiful enough that I won't be forever cursed on this forum if I extend the frame and add a little more rake to...