aggressive dogs

The aggressive is in there blood line yes the can be gentle pets. But its there nature to bit and what is there jaw pressure like 3600psi. I've got two friend with pits and there are very nice behaved dogs. But who know what might make them turn on someone or something. And I sure ain't going to be the one to find out what trips there trigger. I have owned 4 full blooded ST Bernard's and they say there a gentle dog ha ha. 1 was very protective of me he wouldn't even let my mom get with in 10 feet of me. And I could never break Joe from being so protective of me so he had to go.:scared:
the line is not aggresive at all matter a fact they do batter than most dogs and they dont have anymore bite force than a greman shepard and they dont lock on they just dont let go lol. the thing is they are strong so when the grab and shake they do damage. YouTube - Bite Force


New Member
"Exactly" God forbid it ever happens to anyone. But if you was to even see any animal ripping apart another animal or human or yourself. Can you honestly say you'd fell the same way.?????
"Exactly" God forbid it ever happens to anyone. But if you was to even see any animal ripping apart another animal or human or yourself. Can you honestly say you'd fell the same way.?????
i have seen it first hand, i have seen a shepard attack a pit bull note the pit had no choice but he dam near killed that dog before we could seperate the two. they were breed to fight and kill most of the time they will not be the one to start fights but they will end it. truly most of the people that have bull dogs dont understand what they have. pits were breed to fight and the handler could reach in a pit with 2 dogs ripping each other apart and not get bit any dog that bit a human was killed. no only if people praticed that today they would be on the news. but the fact is they are very good dogs the media gives them a bad rap.
YouTube - The Great American Pit Bull Terrier
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can not hurt me, and neither could you. A little sensitive are we? You want to see cruel, you should have seen the baby lambs that were tore up and killed, or going into your aviary and seeing the slaughter with some birds still alive but so tore up I had to put them away. Try having 12 of your sheep killed, your little dog killed on your front porch and two dogs tearing through your fence and killing 43 birds some of which cost $100.00 each and others that I have been breeding for show for some years, someday when you grow up and are the one that has been victimized you may understand.

Were you positive of the offense? or were you just randomly picking wandering cat's/dogs that "looked" suspicious
Because if you are positive of the offense, I can find no fault. It's was the random/all dogs/cats are bad aspect that sent me into a rant.

And we to have been on the other end. The Dogs that attacked our sheep(many of the ewes were pregnant or had already lambed) got hauled off the the pound and the owners a fine, and foxes and owl that were eating our chickens....The foxes disappeared after after properly securing the hutches, and the owl died of starvation.

As for sticks and stones......You may never find out if I can or can't ......
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Oh! all of a sudden you turned around when you are the victum, I did mention my animals were getting killed, but you decided to go into a idiotic rage, I dought that very many people just ramdomly get rid of other peoples dogs and cats, if you have a problem with an irresponsible pet owners animals, they usually stay irresponsible, then their cats and dogs know where they can come back to and have another hay day killing spree. If you do something about it, as I mentioned before, you may be subject to retaliatuon. My birds AS I HAVE MENTIONED BEFORE WERE IN COVERED ENCLOSED PENS, a pitbull and a rottweiller tore right through the wire and also through the pens in the pen, not only did I have a mess of dead birds I had a bunch of pens to fix. Now next time dogs kill your sheep, go pet them, tell them good dog, and go kiss your neighbors osh and give him some money so he can build a good kennel and help him fix his place up because surely you are at falt. And as far as the threat of breaking my bones , yes you could if I let you, otherwise not.
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Oh! all of a sudden you turned around when you are the victum, That's not what I was trying to say I did mention my animals were getting killed, but you decided to go into a idiotic rage, I dought that very many people just ramdomly get rid of other peoples dogs and cats, if you have a problem with an irresponsible pet owners animals, they usually stay irresponsible, then their cats and dogs know where they can come back to and have another hay day killing spree. If you do something about it, as I mentioned before, you may be subject to retaliatuon. My birds AS I HAVE MENTIONED BEFORE WERE IN COVERED ENCLOSED PENS, I heard you the first time a pitbull and a rottweiller tore right through the wire and also through the pens in the pen, not only did I have a mess of dead birds I had a bunch of pens to fix. Now next time dogs kill your sheep, go pet them, tell them good dog, and go kiss your neighbors osh and give him some money so he can build a good kennel and help him fix his place up because surely you are at falt.My neighbors would be kissing my arse and paying me compensation And as far as the threat of breaking my bones , yes you could if I let you, otherwise not.I'm not flying out to CA on just to have a pissing match

The point I am trying get across is that I find the whole extermination of the offending animal a bit rash and ludicrous,(and I know for a fact you can be subject to a lawsuit if you get caught) just because it inconvenienced you in a monetary or emotional way.
Animals do what animals do and if you couple that with a bad owner your not going to fix the situation by bitching to the owners, every one knows this.
And in most cases the animals are not entirely at fault, I mean it's their instinct for cry'in out loud...If they had received proper training when they were young it would have been avoided, But they can be "rehabilitated"(this does not apply to viscous animals)---(if it's viscous or Ferrel I think it would the only truly justified reasons to kill the animal)
And most pounds do just that before putting them up for adoption.

Just remove their tags and bring it to a out of state pound, claiming it's a "stray" It's a lot more humane than just popping a cap in the dogs head or drowning the cat. and I guarantee the animal will have a better life in a family who knows how to properly care for it(they screen the adopters just like they do for people)
Next time I'll call you and you can come and show me how to catch that's running away from you, then you can take them home and rehabilitate them. Once a chidken killer always a chicken killer, Once a sheep killer alway a sheep killer. Did you go to the pound and bail out the dogs that killed your sheep, you should have adopted them. The owners probably bailed them out and then the problem is yours again. If not you should have, who in their right mind is going to haul a dog that just killed his animals 300 miles and ask someone to rehabilitate them. I think you've been watching the dog whisperer too much
Next time I'll call you and you can come and show me how to catch that's running away from you, then you can take them home and rehabilitate them. Once a chidken killer always a chicken killer, Once a sheep killer alway a sheep killer. Did you go to the pound and bail out the dogs that killed your sheep, you should have adopted them. The owners probably bailed them out and then the problem is yours again. If not you should have, who in their right mind is going to haul a dog that just killed his animals 300 miles and ask someone to rehabilitate them. I think you've been watching the dog whisperer too much

May be I have, But that's just my Opinion....I have this thing against killing dogs......cats, not so much. But they fall in to the same "family pet" category

I am a die hard dog lover and I would only kill one if I had no other choice.
I love animals, they taste good. I have a few questions and yes you do have a right to your own opinion. no.1 Did you bail the killers of your sheep out? no2. If you did, did you drive them to the state line feeding them doggie treats on the way while patting them on the head and saying, good boy, just to give the problem to someone else? no.3 Did you keep them and rename them Lassie and Benji? no.4 Did you rehabilitate them? no.5 If you did'nt, why not if that is so easy to do?
I love animals, they taste good. I have a few questions and yes you do have a right to your own opinion. no.1 Did you bail the killers of your sheep out? no2. If you did, did you drive them to the state line feeding them doggie treats on the way while patting them on the head and saying, good boy, just to give the problem to someone else? no.3 Did you keep them and rename them Lassie and Benji? no.4 Did you rehabilitate them? no.5 If you did'nt, why not if that is so easy to do?

1. No we did not, and we don't think the owners did either.
2. Not us, but animal control captured them
3. Obviously not.
4. We never heard back from them again, the owners or the dogs.....besides who said I wanted to rehabilitate them, I don't have enough time for my own 3 dogs
5. It was easy to do.....But I thought of what I told after the fact to eliminate any chance of fido coming back. Unfortunately and lucky we haven't had had any attacks on our sheep in the last 15years, So I haven't had a chance to test out my theory(thank fully)

But what what we have had are random "visits" that were largely uneventful call the dog in from the field(they werent' chasing sheep) and feed it dog biscuits in the garage while we call the owners to come get "max" or "Fifi".........20-40 min later a Loving pet that strayed gets carted back home to grateful family.

Once again this is just my opinion despite how impractical it may seem, and I don't have any more stories either.
If I EVER meet some of you A$$es who replied to this thread I'll teach you a lesson about animal cruelty, and don't expect walk away from it with out some broken bones. ESPECIALLY that Mother F***** that Goat made reference to, and your not excused either dude.

I am not an activist, but you should should hear some for the shit that's pouring out of your mouths.

Now there's is a time and place for for aggressive animals to be "dealt with" But many of you lack the discernment or knowledge for were to draw the lines of "animals needing to be deal with". And have just told me Much about your character,(or lack of it) and it's is sure Far from anything positive.
another net bad a$$ Rotflmao .....:tongue: I love my dogs they are well behaved and have been known to curl up with the ol cat ...But if a aggressive dog comes into my yard after my animals I'll pop em with my crossbow in a second regrets same goes for aggressive people :thefinger:
Holy sh1t you guys are ALL wound up huh? Yeah there is obviously a need for best judgment. My dad has a Pit Bull that is a VERY good dog. He is hyper as hell but that's just his nature. That dog has NEVER been anything but spoiled, but man there is something about him where he does NOT like little kids. My dad loves the dog but has a couple times mentioned, man if he EVER snaps and bites some kid I WILL shoot him because I won't stand for that sh1t... On the OTHER hand a buddy has a Rottweiler and that dog is the biggest baby you'll ever meet. For SOME weird reason if he gets out into a crowded area with strangers he will bark and growl and I can easily see where an un-expecting person would be TERRIFIED of the dog. The thing is, Harley has never once bitten anyone except the stupid as$ crackhead neighbor who was RIGHT IN The dogs face growling at him. THE GUY DESERVED that. The ONLY person in the world the dog has ever HATED since he met the guy. THEN gets in his face and growls... I've seen dogs that will get growly and antsy out around people but never ACTUALLY ATTACK.. BUT!! SOME damn dogs HAVE BEEN raised to fight and be viscous and you are fck!n retarded if you think you're going to make a Benji out of a killer dog. Dog attacks are brutal and viscous and if you had seen my cousins HELPLESS TWO YEAR OLD KID get mauled by a viscous damn dog and get stitches to the FACE, you MIGHT just think differently... Just because a dog is growling does not necessarily make it viscous or a threat.... BUT BY GOD when one is CHEWING ON A TWO YEAR OLD KID for NO DAMN REASON.. THE MOTHER FCKER NEEDS DEALT with... If you want to rehabilitate killer dogs, do it in locked facility and don't let them wander the streets.. I would say it takes a real heartless as$hole to just kill a family pet because it's in your yard.... I have a little stray barn cat I have been feeding because he keeps mice out of the cars and am very compassionate about stuff like that.. But if given the chance, I would take that dog that attacked Christopher, and pop it in a second.. THEN tie the OWNER to my bumper and see if he can keep up with Multi Port Fuel Injection for a few hundred miles... FCK THAT!!! If you are going to go cryin to the police because someone shot a dog in the head because it's IN YOUR BACKYARD CHEWING ON YOUR KID you are about a stupid son of a bitch I tell ya.... You think letting it stay in a 4 foot kennel for two weeks JUST to get shot up with narcotics to kill it at TAX PAYER EXPENSE is better than quick and painless 30-06 lobotomy you should get your head examined... Some cases just putting an end to the problem is the only logical answer... I haven't heard ONE PERSON SAY... I like to torture baby ducks... I think anyone that shoots stabs pepper sprays or WHATEVER it takes to NOT be torn up by a dog has all the damn right in the world. It may not be the dogs fault and YES the OWNER should be thrown into the ring and let THEM get ripped apart for a while, but that isn't going to UN-psycho the dog... That's the same as saying you're going to make Dick Chenney NOT a selfish evil world dominating as$hole war creating lying con man.... Do it on your OWN time and don't expect everyone else in the world to as well.... If it's biting you :2guns: the son of a bitch...
another net bad a$$ Rotflmao .....:tongue: I love my dogs they are well behaved and have been known to curl up with the ol cat ...But if a aggressive dog comes into my yard after my animals I'll pop em with my crossbow in a second regrets same goes for aggressive people :thefinger:

May be I am maybe I'm not I can send you may address if you want to find out:thefinger:

Holy sh1t you guys are ALL wound up huh? Yeah there is obviously a need for best judgment. My dad has a Pit Bull that is a VERY good dog. He is hyper as hell but that's just his nature. That dog has NEVER been anything but spoiled, but man there is something about him where he does NOT like little kids. My dad loves the dog but has a couple times mentioned, man if he EVER snaps and bites some kid I WILL shoot him because I won't stand for that sh1t... On the OTHER hand a buddy has a Rottweiler and that dog is the biggest baby you'll ever meet. For SOME weird reason if he gets out into a crowded area with strangers he will bark and growl and I can easily see where an un-expecting person would be TERRIFIED of the dog. The thing is, Harley has never once bitten anyone except the stupid as$ crackhead neighbor who was RIGHT IN The dogs face growling at him. THE GUY DESERVED that. The ONLY person in the world the dog has ever HATED since he met the guy. THEN gets in his face and growls... I've seen dogs that will get growly and antsy out around people but never ACTUALLY ATTACK.. BUT!! SOME damn dogs HAVE BEEN raised to fight and be viscous and you are fck!n retarded if you think you're going to make a Benji out of a killer dog. Dog attacks are brutal and viscous and if you had seen my cousins HELPLESS TWO YEAR OLD KID get mauled by a viscous damn dog and get stitches to the FACE, you MIGHT just think differently... Just because a dog is growling does not necessarily make it viscous or a threat.... BUT BY GOD when one is CHEWING ON A TWO YEAR OLD KID for NO DAMN REASON.. THE MOTHER FCKER NEEDS DEALT with... If you want to rehabilitate killer dogs, do it in locked facility and don't let them wander the streets.. I would say it takes a real heartless as$hole to just kill a family pet because it's in your yard.... I have a little stray barn cat I have been feeding because he keeps mice out of the cars and am very compassionate about stuff like that.. But if given the chance, I would take that dog that attacked Christopher, and pop it in a second.. THEN tie the OWNER to my bumper and see if he can keep up with Multi Port Fuel Injection for a few hundred miles... FCK THAT!!! If you are going to go cryin to the police because someone shot a dog in the head because it's IN YOUR BACKYARD CHEWING ON YOUR KID you are about a stupid son of a bitch I tell ya.... You think letting it stay in a 4 foot kennel for two weeks JUST to get shot up with narcotics to kill it at TAX PAYER EXPENSE is better than quick and painless 30-06 lobotomy you should get your head examined... Some cases just putting an end to the problem is the only logical answer... I haven't heard ONE PERSON SAY... I like to torture baby ducks... I think anyone that shoots stabs pepper sprays or WHATEVER it takes to NOT be torn up by a dog has all the damn right in the world. It may not be the dogs fault and YES the OWNER should be thrown into the ring and let THEM get ripped apart for a while, but that isn't going to UN-psycho the dog... That's the same as saying you're going to make Dick Chenney NOT a selfish evil world dominating as$hole war creating lying con man.... Do it on your OWN time and don't expect everyone else in the world to as well.... If it's biting you :2guns: the son of a bitch...

You have a point. But I never disagreed with you. My hole argument revolves around shooting misguided family pets.....witch is the only thing we have around here, You guys may have differently but that's all we got.
I clearly stated that junk yard dogs and viscous/Ferrel animals that attack people should be "dealt with" --out back in the woods or next to your garage, it's your choice.
ATTENTION! ALL PROBLEM DOG OWNERS, send your viscious dog to modding out for rehabilitation. He will pay all shipping charges and the law suit that may occure when your dog has killed or mamed something or someone. Do this for your own safety, that way the dog is no longer a threat or a problem to you and odding out wou'nt break your bones. :eek::scared::lol::lol:
Omg! just the present I always wanted how did you know:thefinger::thefinger:

WOOHOO! I love pissing matches! Who else whats to join in on this world wide pass time?

Internet arguing It's totally awesome! It allows you get to know the "natives" It's sure to make "friends" And a guaranteed mood depressant and time waster! whats not to like?

Try it now for 30 days for free or your money back! but hurry offer expires soon:deal:
May be I am maybe I'm not I can send you may address if you want to find out:thefinger:.
If you would look back to your first post in this thread you will see that you are an idiot, and if you look at the next posts you made in the thread you will see you are a long winded idiot. I think it's funny , internet bad a$$ guys are always funny. I don't think you would bust a Grape if you worked in a Winery.
I have a black Lab, 10 months old, and she is the sweetest dog that me, or my wife have ever owned. But...she does not like other people...especially African Americans. She hasn't bitten anyone, but her hair stands right on end while she's having her barking, growling attack. WTF?