Any body ever try

Anyone ever try snowboarding?

In my opinion, if ya haven't DONT

See, I was finally convinced to go (normally I Ski)
I fell a couple times, then I kinda figured it out, and went flying
down the hill, I cut hard to the left, got going with my back down hill
I was cruising pretty good, the back edge caught into the snow, and threw me down,

Needless to say, I hit the ground so hard, my hat flew off, my tailbone feels
like its four inches higher than it should be, my neck hurts, and both my wrists

The two guys I was with came down and started laughing at me, Three ski patrol people came to see if I was still alive, Now im walking around like a cripple,

So, if you do decide to go, when ya think ya got it, and your having fun...

Brace yourself.... It will hurt.
I tried snowboarding back in 95.Rented one while skiing for week and did not liked it.Just like you said when that edge catches you get hammered into the ground. I tried it for half a day and could not wait to get back on my skies. I guess I been on skis to long to change.
sunday I started on my skis, tried a board, went to skis, then board, then skis, and ended on them,

worked a whole hell of alot better
i only snowboard i only tried skies once but ill say that they seem much more difficult and painfull. guess it all depends what your usto.
Im usto inline skates but i just bought a pair of quads i havnt ridden those since i was a little kid i cant wait till they arrive should be interesting :thumbsup: