Anyone thinking about getting a Grom?

I ordered my Grom in February and picked it up yesterday. I was hoping to have it for Windber but it just didn't happen. We already changed the color and there are still some other changes to make. There is no rush on these other changes so I have plenty of time to look for parts.

Brand new with 3 miles on the clock.

Size comparison with an X-90.

After a 6-hour color transformation. We also added a rear luggage rack, lower cowling, new decals, and a Corbin seat.

The funky looking tail section has to get replaced with something more streamlined.
Buddy just bought one, he's 6, 4" tall about 280lb, Ex motocross Canadian champ, He loves it like crazy!!... wont stop talking about it! Does look like fun!:thumbsup:


Active Member
i saw one at the front of the windber parade. I remember the seat height, pretty tall for a small bike. It was typical honda quality, everything fit together just right. fuel injected too.
Way too high price for me for a "play bike"
Not really a fan of the look either. Saw one at a car show that had all kinds of trick road race stuff, it was cool but I would guess the guy has $6k+ in it.
To the people that own them - I like the bike allot , reminds me of my sport bike days that are long gone . How do they drive ? , also wondering, to ride on the street would we need a motorcycle license for something like this ?