Barack just joined the NRA

Well if you really think about it barry obama is surrounded by uzi's and assault rifle to the max, oh wait only his life is important not us peasants. All the :censure: left wing loons including the hollywood bafoons I will make a deal with them all of them - You give up your army of security armed to the max and I will give up my little arsenal.
i have to say something i try to keep my opinions to myself, kinda like not bringing up religon or politics at the holiday dinner table, but since the recent tradgedy i have to say this. one, i am a gun owner .two i will defend my home and family to the death. three i can do so with the fire arms and ammo i have. i dont have 30 round back to back banana clips ,plastic guns kevlar piercing plasic jacketed sabot ammo. to those that say what if the bad guy does? i think its unlikely and will take my chances. to those that say what about the govt. if they decide they want to take me out i doubt i could stop a blackhawk eqiup.with rocket launchers. better off to use your vote against that. and to the dumb bastards that say the deranged people that commit these murders could have did the same thing with a hammer. if that were true the military wouldnt carry guns they would carry hammers. the nra has to admit we need some kind of change ,i dont meen making every thing but marshmello guns illegal but if there is a christ we got to make some changes.
paul maybe if we punished the bad guys instead of the good guys we could solve the problems of society, if the bad guy commits murder and survives even if he get the death penalty - what a joke - he's there for 30 years playing on his computer and becoming a jail house lawyer. i was in law enforcement for 25 years our justice system and especially the judges in America are a joke. oh and the:censure: lawyers - don't get me started ( hope i didn't offend any lawyers or judges here), sometimes when i went to court for a trial i thought i was on trial instead of the :censure: thug i arrested .
You folks that have lost such rights .
Lost such right?

We never had such rights.
itwas never written into our constitution that I have a right to own a gun.
I also do not have the right to drive a car or drink or smoke or shoot people that break into my home ( technicaly I could even go to jail for killing a burgler in my own home and I disagree with that )......

Show me some other constitutions that make explicit mention of the right to own and carry firearms if you please.
Because I think the USA is unique in that respect.
I do not find the idea of ensuring your rights to own one or as many as you like as wrong or offensive.
I kind of like it actualy, because it does in a way reflect well on the idea that govermernt should never try to take away liberites by force.

Now the down side you actulay let politicians take away your liberties with things like the Patroit act.
But not your guns......
That makes no sences.
Guns do not kills people.
The Swiss are awash in asualt weapons ( their homes are full of them ) and its the duty of every able body man in the age range to have one, a uniform, and a bycile ( to run like hell and take his ass for a ride all the way to the front ).
But you can't walk around with s pistol on your hip.
And they have no out of control crime problems.
You know you can geta permit to own a howizter there if want, don't beleive me look it up......

As I understand In Isreal they have police with guns but you don't have a right to bare arms or wear pistols on your hips ( maybe exceptions for Jews with pocktes full of diamonds to trade so don't quote me for sure ).
If anyone REALY needed to be wearing a hand gun I would think its a Jew in Isreal.
But they generaly apear to let the professionals deal with that kind of thing.
Police army intelegence service.
Maybe they know what they are doing....

I like guns.
But they don't belong on my hip.
That much said I recall a time when people were less paranoid and you could get on the bus or airplane anywhere with a shotgun ( Or target pistol ) in a case because you were going someplace to hunt.
You just had to declare it and in some cases let the Pilot have it for the flight ( target pistol ).
Stowed in the racks under the floor of the bus ( My shotgun when I went off to college ).
No one questioned it.
Now its paper work to say the least, and its a pain and I don't agree with it.
But I did not make these laws.
Stupid people did who were scared of things that were never a real threat to them.

So do more guns tucked in pants ( Grandma with a gun nice thought ) make you safer?
I think it makes you more likely to be shot in the groin.

Hey its Christmas.....
Merry Christmas OS!
The United States doesn't have gun problems we have mental health problems. Machine guns were legal here at one time we didn't have people doing what there doing now. The only thing that as changed is the fact that we have more mental health issues and instead of dealing with the issues behind the cause. we have people who believe its the objects fault and not the person. Bad people will do bad things. Good people will do good things. Crazy people with out the proper treatment do crazy things. I don't care if the gun shoots one bullet or 30. A person who isn't of the right mind will use what ever they can do what they want todo. I'm for more laws that help people with mental illness and less that infringe on my 2nd amendment rights.
The American citizens did not vote the Patriot act in. The unfortunately elected politicians at the time did.

As far as letting them do that... Well, I voted and along with the other 46% or so of America that didn't want this regime said so. Too bad our media dictates how the election goes.

Truthfully, I didn't want either candidate.

And as far as mental health, who decides?
to those that say what about the govt. if they decide they want to take me out i doubt i could stop a blackhawk eqiup.with rocket launchers.
Our 2nd Amendment wasn't to protect one man from being targeted by the government but so the citizenry could rise against the government if they got too obnoxious as England did. It was intended as a threat to loom over our gov't so they respect certain boundarys. They have crossed those, and we let them because Americans(myself included) are to comfortable with our easy lives. Now on the topic of high cap mags? Tricky topic. Do I NEED it? No. But it is a blast to dump the 20 round drum outta my Saiga 12 gauge at a row of unsuspecting pumpkins. And the secondary reason for our citizen weapons is glorified in the movie Red Dawn(whichever old or new). It's the last line of American defense. So we didn't NEED a huge expensive military. Now off my soap box, MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL.
I carry on my hip daily, DAILY. I have for almost 10 years. In this state we carry "concealed" henceforth, you would never know I am carrying.
on a side note:
Yesterday in houston, a police officer and an unarmed innocent got gunned down, fact is, its a cold cruel world out there and no matter how kind of a person you are, there are those that are not, be ready, society is not getting any better.
RIP hero of the streets.


Well-Known Member
NOS is right about America being the ONLY nation that has a founding document that guarantees the citizens their right to keep and bear arms. However, spoken like a true foreigner he means to point out that we are stupid and wrongheaded because of that fact!!!!!

However, America is an experiment with a form of government that was never seen before or sense on this planet. The limp wrested queer liberals, along with constant urging by "self righteous" foreigner meddlers, want to destroy another portion of the greatest founding document the world has ever seen. Or will ever see again if America fails.

Yes, we are an experiment. Even a look at Lincoln's Gettysburg Address shows that he [right at 150 years ago] was powerfully aware of that fact. He said: "....testing whether THIS nation, or ANY nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure".

The short sighted fools that rail against firearm ownership fall directly into one of Tommy Jefferson's warnings [a Founding Father that helped write the Constitution for you folks that went to public school after 1965]. To whit: "Those that would trade a liberty for momentary security deserve neither liberty or security".

OK. Which one of the antigun nuts that have posted here really think they are smarter than ether of the two men I have cited? Come on! Speak up!
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A) The Barrack Obama NRA membership is brilliant... love it.

B) Carrying a gun is like wearing a seat belt. It is something you do to be prepared for something you hope never happens. I never intend to get into a wreck, I never intend to shoot anyone. But, IF some drunk swerves in front of me, or if someone talking on their phone pulls out right in front of me, I will have my seat belt on, just in case. By the same token, if I find myself in mortal danger from some criminal element, I will have options open to me that I wouldn't if I didn't have a CCP.

You never hear about the violence that didn't happen in the news. Here in Utah, we have hundreds of thousands of honest citizens who have concealed carry permits. Just a few months ago, some nut-job tried to go on a killing spree at a local shopping center, he only injured one person, then was stopped by armed citizens with concealed carry permits, and no one else was hurt, including the nut-job. Does it make national news? No, wasn't even front page for long here. In most cases where a gun is used to prevent violent crime, it is not even fired.
While an amusing conversation piece, a .50 is pretty useless for any lawful purpose besides punching holes in stuff a long ways away. We built barrels for them, at a shop I worked in. Pretty tough to do a room sweep with, but a riot to have to drive 5 minutes to see a toilet you fragged. lol
I agree, but it still should be legal. It is not designed for close quarters combat, it is designed to punch holes in things from far away, and is good at its purpose. It is not on my serious list of guns I want... but a guy can wish.

The 26 words of A2, were written centuries ago, in a far different environment. Same fine Americans didn't allow women or minorities to vote, they owned slaves, slaughtered the indigenous peoples for failing to have a flag.
Couldn't disagree more. Listing the faults of our society at the time of the framing does not detract from the wisdom of the document itself. The founders had just defeated the largest, best trained, best equipped standing army in the world, and had done it with a citizen based militia. Tyranny has killed far more innocent people than the occasional gun violence we experience here.

The Government has far eclipsed the ability of the people to protect themselves from it. After seeing Blackhawk's and Apache's operated in combat, any one that thinks their AR-15/etc is more than a penis extension, is delusional.
History does not bear this statement out. An armed populace is very difficult to subdue. Look at Vietnam, where we had air superiority, and dropped mega-ton after mega-ton of bombs, but lacked the political will to use that superiority to defeat Viet cong guerrillas armed primarily with small arms. How long did the Soviets fight the Afghan rebels? Did they win, or did they give up? How many billions of dollars have we spent now in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is the resistance over?
It's not a matter of the government having the power to kill the people, heck, they could just nuke us if that was the goal, it is a balance of power, the constitution is built on balances of power. What does a ruler gain in nuking his own land? How high a price would a tyrant have to pay in blood, dollars and political capital to subjugate an armed populace?
NOS is right about America being the ONLY nation that has a founding document that guarantees the citizens their right to keep and bear arms. However, spoken like a true foreigner he means to point out that we are stupid and wrongheaded because of that fact!!!!!

However, America is an experiment with a form of government that was never seen before or sense on this planet. The limp wrested queer liberals, along with constant urging by "self righteous" foreigner meddlers, want to destroy another portion of the greatest founding document the world has ever seen. Or will ever see again if America fails.

Yes, we are an experiment. Even a look at Lincoln's Gettysburg Address shows that he [right at 150 years ago] was powerfully aware of that fact. He said: "....testing whether THIS nation, or ANY nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure".

The short sighted fools that rail against firearm ownership fall directly into one of Tommy Jefferson's warnings [a Founding Father that helped write the Constitution for you folks that went to public school after 1965]. To whit: "Those that would trade a liberty for momentary security deserve neither liberty or security".

OK. Which one of the antigun nuts that have posted here really think they are smarter than ether of the two men I have cited? Come on! Speak up!

I'm sorry, but every time someone from your end of the political spectrum says something like "limp wristed queer liberals," I totally stop listening to whatever else you have to say, even if there's valid points in there. It reminds me of the douche bag Westboro Baptist Church's "God Hates Fags" crap.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm absolutely in support of gun ownership rights for private citizens. I may not agree with the redneck attitude of "need a 50 cal? Naw, but it sure does look cool blowin' up pumpkins and sprayin' dirt around!" but that's simply a difference of opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

Points should be made without name-calling or denigrating comments, IMO.
Why do we still celebrate Independence Day? Is it a lingering habit, a mindless bit of nostalgia, a time to indulge in fireworks and barbecues, devoid of any deeper meaning? Can anyone honestly argue that our nation still honors the values, or practices the principles, for which our Founders fought?

Today, most Americans have been trained to be embarrassed by the “extremist” individualist ethos that made the protection of liberty the primary purpose of government. They have been taught to apologize for the shortcomings of the “rich white men” who led the revolution. A majority of Americans now subscribe to an expansive view of government as both great provider and beneficent leveler. Its primary purpose is to redress unequal or unhappy outcomes, regardless of their source, through wealth redistribution on a scale so vast that it mocks the concept “private property.”