been a while, whats going on with the torque converters

ok so i havent posted in a while.

Ive been waiting for some kind of feedback on the "other" torque converters since comet is no more and is as expensive as gold these days. I also wouldnt feel right buying the comet because i will be really using/abusing it and i know they arent being made anymore.

I was keeping the GTC on my mind and i was waiting for someone to put out some kind of field testing to see how it compares to the old comets. Is there any data for any of the other torque converters?

thank you for any info.


New Member
I have one of the GTCs. First on a Mini Baja and now on a Serengeti Puma. I can't say we've put too many hours on it yet, but it works great.


Active Member
Check out what snowmobiles are using and jr dragsters and industrial equipment and cushman vehicals these cvt system will not go away just because comet hoffco stopped making them it's just that comet catered to our market with the cheapy tav units but I'm sure someone will step up to the plate if their is mony to be made
Ok, i was leaning on the GTC kit but the thing that scared me was the aluminum backplate. when i bought my mini off craigslist the comet was on its way out, the backplate had been repaired/welded at the driven mount and was cut up from the gears and plate flexing. (stamped metal plate)

the motor is a 5hp honda from 1986? but its in good condition and runs really well with a couple of basic AGK mods

I have looked at the cushman/ez-go T/C parts and it seems like it would run me about $900 for the parts. I also feel that these, along with snowmobile parts would just be overkill on the tiny motor and i would have to get into custom work.

I know there have been several advancements in aluminum technology over the past 10 years but im still on the fence about it, there is a ton of force exerted on that piece when riding.

I have done some research on OldMiniBikes about this but i havent come across exactly what im looking for.....a few months ago.These boards seen to move a bit slower that the average offense of course.

i might just wing it and get the GTC because i really just want to ride the thing, it broke about 3 weeks after i got it.:cursing:

thanks for the responses and if anyone comes across anything else gotta post it up.