Board slow?

The last couple days this board seems to be real slow. Thought it was my PC but everywhere else is fine.

Anyone else have the problem?
OK, so I'm not the only one felling like I'm stuck in the 80's.

I believe vBulletin has different pay grades for speed/bandwidth,,,,,,, is Hent paying the bills? :thefinger: (joking)


New Member
I haven't noticed it being slow, and all of my stats show normal.

The only time it will be slow is 12am eastern time for about 5-15 mins while some cron jobs get taken care of.

Next time it happens send me the time, and post/thread it happened in so I can check the logs to see if something is up.

Please excuse me if I sound like I'm complaining. I really enjoy & appreciate this site, yet I have always found this site to be very slow to respond.

I have a desk top & a lap top that run off the same DSL line. I don't know if the problem is on my end or not. This site seems to be the only one that I visit that responds as slowly as it does.

On another note... I would like to ask you some questions on your thoughts of operating a forum. Could you please send me a PM at your convenience?



New Member
Not just because it's my forum, but I have found the pages to load rather quickly - unless there is a problem. The host I use is one of the best, and not on the cheap end, at all.

If nobody reports problems, I can't investigate and resolve them. I still haven't found anything in my logs to say there is a problem.

The only thing I can think of is people using Internet Explorer - sometimes that will have a lag/delay and cause other objects to load before the actual page.
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