California Scooter Co. Mustang clone!

Something a little different than a minibike, and its street legal. Has anybody else seen the new California Scooter Co. bikes there making here in the USA. They have Lifan 150cc engines in them,The rest is of the bike is built here. I got a sales brochure from them because I,m a member of the Vintage Motor Bike Club that puts on the Show in Portland Indiana. They look like the Mustangs from 50 years ago. They did a nice job on them there several style to choice from.
California Scooter Company | Genuine Quality Scooters
Yeah, I thought there were a little pricey but that's retail price, I bet they be at Portland this year selling them for 3000 bucks. They are neat looking and street legal. Even better if you could stick a Honda CM200 twin in it.
Mustang with a Honda

Yeah, I thought there were a little pricey but that's retail price, I bet they be at Portland this year selling them for 3000 bucks. They are neat looking and street legal. Even better if you could stick a Honda CM200 twin in it.
Back in the day say 1974 there were a few Mustang's converted over to the Honda 305 dream motor they were sweet sounding machines and able to go on the freeways . I saw one in the Malibu Canyon at the ROCK STORE I was on my VW Corsair trike Steve


Well-Known Member
thats great and all starting up a new scooter company in the USA but who's going to buy them with the Economy has bad has it is.
real ones still look cooler.......:smile:


Well-Known Member
They are neat and all, but $5000 is extremely optimistic. You can buy bigger and faster street-legal Honda motorcycles for that.

Back in the day say 1974 there were a few Mustang's converted over to the Honda 305 dream motor they were sweet sounding machines and able to go on the freeways.
The Scramblers and Hawks sound even better IMO. :wink: Those engines are still big and heavy, though.

YouTube - 1962 Honda Cl72 running

If I had more money and time than sense, I might get one of the new Mustangs and put a Honda XR600 single in it....:eek:ut:
im still a sucker for a cr500
There have been a bunch of sweet old honda streetbikes for sale on OKC CL! I have to restrain myself, a 72 CL175 scrambler was the last one I had and one popped up there for $1600 with less than 1000 orig. miles! I had to talk myself out of it to keep my crew paid. The CR500 is a sweet machine as well, had several over the years and would buy the right one if the stars lined up right that day!