can some one tell me how much this lil indian sabre is worth

No values or appraisals given here per the rules. It is a cool looking heavily modified bike worth what someone is willing to pay. List it here in the classifieds for the price you need to get to feel good about selling is my best advice. Or let Ebay have the listing and take a chance, you'll know what ebay bidders will pay. Good luck with your sale.
Jack shaft mount are cut and none of the "good" parts are there. Knobs, brake caliper, shocks and seat. So it's just a nice looking mini bike at this point. Did they move the pegs closer foward in 71' bc mine are closer back to the jack shaft mount on my 70'
Yes there is. the only reson i had to sprockets is because i had the wheel brakes and yeah were not able to fit on the left side for some reason so i put aanother sprocket on the right side along with the brake drum bolted on to it
Hey there teeththeboss, welcome to OldMiniBikes! Maybe you won't get any traction on the value but you will get all the help in the world whatever you try to fix or restore on that minibike and your next several. Actually all the help's already here if you search, it's ALL been done before and logged! I'm likin that orange for some reason....:thumbsup: