can't upload any more pictures

You cannot delete photos. That function is unavailable. It is that way to protect the threads that have photos attached to them. Become a supporting member and you have unlimited space.:thumbsup:
Yep, the only way to get more upload space is become a supporting member ... for me $25/year is worth it considering how much enjoyment I get out of this site.
Terrified to get on and ask how to delete to make more room, and get yelled at......I decided to search the search and continue the search of hour later, "Here I is Spanky". Well I'm gonna have to dig down deep and come up with the big bucks to become a supporting member, which is long overdue, considering the information and the great people I have met here over the years. Hustle up I must, and many others must follow the lead of others and become supporting!
Thanks OldMiniBikes!