Clone header for DB30?

Hello all,

for several days now I've searched this sight for ideas of what others are doing for exhaust headers on their clone 6.5 HP engines. I recently installed the clone engine into my DB30 mini bike and would like to get away from the "lawn mower" sound. I have found a couple of sites and would like to know if anyone else has done transactions with them and how their overall quality is.
Brute Power Pipes
WKA/AKRA Clone Header Pipe (300568), : BMI Karts & Supplies : Go Karts Parts : Racing Go Kart Parts : GoKarts : Versailles, Ohio : USA : Indoor Track : Tips

I'm interested in the Honda/Clone Mini Bike Pipe W/ Muffler $25.00 from Brute Power Pipes and the WKA/ AKRA Clone Header Pipe W/ Box Stock Clone Muffler from BMI Karts. Has anyone purchased these pipes before and put them on a DB30 mini bike? Do they require modifications? Approximately how much louder are they compared to the clone stock exhaust?

Thanks again guys and sorry for the long post
For $25 it don't get much better, it will be a lot louder but just sound a lot better. Drill your main jet with a .036 drill bit, add a k&n airfilter kit from AGK, 1.3 rockers, and a 8 degree timing key and it will sound good. Longer the pipe the deeper and better it wil sound and more torque. Shorter it is the more "bubbily" and typical minibike it will sound like

Did the pipe come "thread ready" for the screw on muffler or did you have to mod it yourself? What type of threaded muffler did you use? Briggs?

No I welded on a threaded coupler that the muffler threads into..The muffler was just a generic replacement that I got from a local Princess Auto store for 5-8hp engines..It had a 3/4 pipe thread size..