DB30 project

I was looking for a min bike project and found a db30 for $150.00 on craigslist. so far I have stripped it down and sand blasted it. now to paint and fit my new motor. lots of work to do still.

not sure what motor this is but it leaks oil like a mofo

T-Town Mini

Well-Known Member
:thumbsup: Looks like a nearly complete bike to start with.

That Predator does seem to be the choice engine to go with judging from other member's projects here and elsewhere. Replacing the 6" tires should not be a problem with the abundant choices available for that size. I'm looking for some 8" replacements for the wheels I have...not too many choices there for a mini-bike.

Good luck with the build and take lots of pictures to share of your progress. :grind:
Just an FYI....that fork tool bag is going to wear clean through the paint on the front fender. Since it's a mini and easy to repaint you may not care. Looks good.
