Dirt Oval Track and TT Course race event in Winchendon Ma. Wachusett Valley Riders

oh BTW picked up another mini off craigslist from Warren MA. saw it i think it was $300 a few ago then $200 wed. green stretched 13 inch 13 inch tires new 212 and hillard clutch txt the kid for 2.5 hrs back n forth wed. from work finally got him down to $150 met him in Auburn at Sheldons Harley in the pouring rain, was in a hurry made the deal ,got it home ahhh haaaa not such a great deal DOAHHHHH rear wheel, bearings and sprocket junk the stretch was off one side 13 inchs other side 13.5 inchs bars a little tweaked cut off some of the right side slide a smaller tube inside to fit a smaller throttle top tubes going back one side higher than the other.... so going down the street sits higher on the right side and dog tracks. ends up i get and new clutch new motor and a Habor Freight $8. front wheel hmmmm motor $100.
clutch $60. wheel $8. frame junk so $168. of new stuff for $150 wooow smokin deal lol Dont buy stuff in a hurry in the rain and be a Homer Simpson DOOOAAAHHH LOL BEST PART I KNOW BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I have begun work on the Green Monster T555 frame I have. Once I stripped off the brake pedal,throttle pedal, axle which I though was a live axle but just has 2 big bearings in one hanger which allowed the two axles to mount but move independently. Then ground down a lot of the weld where it bolts together. It isn't too bad. I was able to get the hub/band drum ends off. I am thinking of moving the motor plate and adding a 4th bearing hanger. This will allow for more support on each axle and allow for use of a centered differential like I did on my red one... I need handle bars which are slightly longer going from the lower neck plate to the axle hole. Can anyone make forks if I get you the dimensions? I will need 2 sets because I always like to have a spare.