Drag Racing Gone Electric


Well-Known Member
As development in making super-light pressure vessels that can safely withstand 10,000 psi is established fact it might be possible to go even quicker using an air motor. But they would be as boring as electric motors.
I would no worry about it.
Back in late 1960's I drag raced a electric dragster at OCIR. He fried his butt. Later in the pits he told me electric car are the future. I'm remembering my comeback statement. I told him , "it will, when they put slots in and contact strips down the strip!, but then..... there will be no need for a driver!" Just a kid with a controller"! He just walked away. Head down and a burnt butt!:devil2:

Upon further reflection no one cares....

Mysterious spare parts for something that may or may not yet change the way we drive.
But it made some people rich and left me behind lol
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I'm with you Jeff, I enjoy racing because of the sound of the motors and smell. I think there are enough guys who like racing for the same reasons and electric won't take over. :thumbsup: