Evap O Rust

Holy crap.
Everything you ever wanted to know and some.
You write the book or copy and paste.

You lost me at about the third paragraph.
Not knocking your presentation nor the content.

Think I'll stick to Evalorust.
I could give the condensed poorly spelled and punctuated NOS version.

Rust bad, shiny good.
Acid clean...
Molasses tasty ( make nice rum too )...
People made of the same stuff as in the bottom of the back house so careful with Sodium hydroxide.....
Electrolosis effective unless Polarity wrong and OH OH!

I can sit in front of a computer all night and research things.
Sometimes I do very well for myself and learn what I want to know.

But the internet can not actualy show you how to do something effectively and provide you with the materials for free.
This is a bummer because most of what I would like to do is expensive time consuming or complicated beyond my own persoanly abilities, and requires things like Coking coal and scrap iron, expensive machine tools and lazer beams, a high school chemstry lab, Vacuum tubes, 80 pounds of highly enriched Uranium, Black trufles, a young large breast German woman in leather, hydroelectric power, a passenger pidgeon and the Colonells secrete recepi of 11 different herbs and spices, and Alexie Leonov in his best dress uniform, an eldorado gun drill machine and a properly ripened Casu marzu.....

Give me these things I found on the internet and I can transform the world


New Member
Near Elbonia in what used to be part of the basalmic replublic of Dougladesh
I know we are trying to get rid of rust. But I went to bing and put in where is Clusterfookistan it brought me back to oldminibikes. I put Basalimc replubic of dougladesh and i came up with vinegar. You are fooking with me, good one!


Well-Known Member
I did the same with mine. Took them out and brushed them to get the rust loosened up ever couple days.
Befor real rusted,real! Not quite as bad as Gumpits but pretty jacked.

And after. Just used a wire brush on a variable speed drill to finish them up. I put the rims in paint and all,by the way. I could be a spokeman for that stuff. Anyway,after.

They smoothed out great as you can see.
I did the same with mine. Took them out and brushed them to get the rust loosened up ever couple days.
Befor real rusted,real! Not quite as bad as Gumpits but pretty jacked.

And after. Just used a wire brush on a variable speed drill to finish them up. I put the rims in paint and all,by the way. I could be a spokeman for that stuff. Anyway,after.

They smoothed out great as you can see.
Nice work Buck!!