Greetings From Not Just Another New Guy

Per the site owner's suggestion I'm announcing my presence.

Greetings to everyone!

I've been on here a long time but mostly just researching and whatnot. Finally buying my hellions, err kids, a mini bike today. Will post pics and more later once I actually have it as I've learned not to make expectations about anyone selling anything on Craigslist.

My first dirt bike was a Tote Goat/Gote in about 1966. We got it from a friend who was a bit of a desert hermit and miner. Was a fun 2 speed machine so long as your idea of a transmission was stopping and re-configuring the drive line for more top end. In fact it was the best motorcycle I'd ever ridden. That would soon change as I rode the 2nd motorcycle I'd ever ridden (a new 1969 Honda Trail 70 my parents had bought us) and I tore the guts out of the Goat by my dad using me and my Goat to get a long run on a long rope to try to pull out a banana tree. That's right; we live in So Cal. I launched into our patio furniture. My Goat threw me. It was his final act. My Goat lay dead and even my father, the best mechanic and electrician I've ever seen, could not revive it. From there I actually got a motorcycle vying for the Goat's "Worst Two Wheel Ride Ever" recognition and that turd was named a 1969 Yamaha YG5T Trailmaster 80. That's right; being the oldest I inherited my mom's POS 80, otherwise known as the most under-powered full size motorcycle ever. That's right; Dad's secret plan for turning mom off to desert motorcycle trips worked flawlessly and she never had a clue. From there I never really looked back at mini bikes (being 6'4"...) though I've had a lot of bikes. Currently have two 1X XR650Rs in the garage that are Cal plated and two more in parts plus several totes of 1X stuff in totes, and a plated and well sorted KDX200 for the mountains. My wife has a very hot RM80 (hey, no short jokes!) and a TTR125L she hates (another example of engineers producing a machine that looks great on paper and is a real turd in actual use) so I am gonna part that out this summer as it's worth more on Fleabay than whole as we bought it on vacation in Canada.

I'm hoping to teach my kids how to restore the mini we are picking up tonight and to rebuild the engine. We have an old B&S I inherited that is 50's or 60s I think and we might use that engine for looks and we might look for a good Honda 5 or 6 for actual use. Or not but I assume finding the correct engine is just too much. I think they will outgrow it pretty quick so it will be for fun only soon. Our riding season out here is winter unlike the rest of the continent so we might try to restore it this summer or next summer after they learn on it...

Will be needing some parts so I'm looking forward to paying for some new friends.

Drive fast and take lots of chances friends!
I would say welcome but you've been here for 8 years so I'll say thanks for finding your voice! :laugh:

Neat story and I can't wait to see your new minibike if/when you get it. :thumbsup: