Greyhound 6.5 Clutch Keyway Help!


I was in the process of installing a Max Torque Clutch on a Honda Clone (Harbor Freight) Greyhound 6.5 engine, and I struggled installing the clutch key. I was able to slide the clutch on the crankshaft, remove both alan screws, and slide clutch on the crankshaft. I aligned the clutch keyway between the crankshaft and the clutch, but struggled pushing in the clutch key.

I tapped lightly on the end of the key with a hammer (not wanting to bend it or force it). The key went in approximately half way, however there was still about 3/4 inch exposed. Not wanting to cause any further damage, I cutoff the clutch key with a cutoff wheel and tightened down the alan screws (thus holding in the pin).

For future reference, does anyone know a secret to installing the clutch key? Is the key not square and rectangular in shape? I have heard others on the site using an emery cloth to smooth the edges and file down the size for easier installation, but I wanted to find out if there was an easier way or a secret that I overlooked..

In addition, my fear is that I may burn up the clutch one day and need to replace it, and I may not be able to get it off. Is there a clutch puller, or a slick way to remove the clutch without doing damage to the crankshaft?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone for your help and insight!

that sounds exactly like my experience... except I went down to my local bolt store and bough the bolt and washers to hold the clutch on with the threaded center of the drive shaft.
just file the key a bit so everything slips together easily.

don't bother with the set screws since they don't really do anything (i've had clutches come off with them very tight). go pick up a bolt/washer for the end of the crank to hold the clutch on.

yes, they make pullers that work if the clutch is stuck on.
don't use the keyway supplied with the Greyhound's way to long (or cut it in half) use the keyway supplied with the clutch it is the proper length

you must use a bolt/large washer in the crankshaft end..........SAE thread 5/16-24 x 3/4 NOT METRIC!!!