Has this ever happend to you?

Same here, Sting Ray bike. Loose front axle nuts, and do a wheelie. No graceful way out of it, wheel fell off right as I was coming back down. Ouch! Still have scars from that one.:sadcrying4:
I,m like the rest of you guys did on a bicycle, I did it to myself back in the mid 70s on my bike(Schwinn sting ray)copy broke the forks doing wheelies and landed on the asphalt. Also did it to a second bike after jumping garbage cans.


New Member
Saw it happen, didn't happen to me, though .....

What happened to me was I had an old bike with torsion-bar suspension on the front, and a motorcycle-style seat with shocks on the back - heavy old bike, but pretty fun, too. There was a building about a mile away with a walkway around the outside, maybe three feet up, big enough to drive a car around the building (if someone actually got the bright idea to do so .....). Anyway, a friend bet me I wouldn't take the bikeoff the walkway onto the lawn, so I got up some speed, wheelied right off the edge of the walkway, and hit the lawn about three feet down. Result: taco'd the rear rim, the shocks and torsion bars compressed all the way down, then fired back up - threw my silly ass right over the handlebars! Had to walk the bike home and replace the rear rim (won the bet, though ......)

Ah, the crazy things you do when you're young and invincible .....
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