Help Identifying these two new mini's please!

Hey OldMiniBikes Gang,

I just nabbed these two mini's in So Cal and need some help please with ID.

The orange one appears to be an Alexander Reynolds and I cant tell for sure.

The red one may be an Azusa??

I picked em up for $500 total and they both run great. Need a rear tire and tube for the red one and few other items and they are good to go for summer fun!

Thanks in advance for the reply!
First one is an Arco but the second one isn't a runabout. It's a Bonanza MB250 with the scrub brake removed and a jackshaft welded in it's place.


Well-Known Member
First one is an Arco but the second one isn't a runabout. It's a Bonanza MB250 with the scrub brake removed and a jackshaft welded in it's place.
The orange one had a jackshaft set up that was bolted to the frame at the back of the mount . it was pretty slick.