hi new to the forum

hey guys, just got a minibike at the flea market and it is pretty rough, I have the bug and I will enjoy the site, it already seems very nice. cant wait to get more speed and goodies out of the no name bike. I will post pics as soon as I can, thanks in advance, chris.:smile:
I hope this pic attach works anyway yea here it is no markings or names anywhere??? looking at the 6.5 horbor motor for now with some cleaning up, and repainting. but right now I just want it to run good. again first minibike and I have alot to learn.I have alot of questions but I am searching first. and finding what I need.:smile:
I really wish I would have taken some before shots of mine. Tons of gold spray paint. Looked very gheto. Now it's like gheto-light. Or maybe reduced gheto. But it's coming along. I used a paint remover to do most of the work, just brush it on and wait 10 minutes and wipe it off. Also went through alot of sanding disks trying to remove built up rust. My wheels were so bad that I just kept layering paint to smooth them out. Turned out pretty good. I also got the 6.5 from Harbor Freight. Couple heavy weekends of working on it and and I was rollin'.
That looks like a great start of a Manco Streaker. I am trying to finish one up myself.



After almost done now
manco streaker, nice , atleast I know what my bike is now:smile: so was this a preassembled bike or was this a kit htat was welded by the buyer?? some of my welds look pretty scary!!! might have to grind and rework when about to paint.