Honda GX340 250$

Lakewood CA 90713. 250$

I have a GX340 1" shaft that I just rebuilt. My company threw it away because it wouldn't run correctly and smoked a little. I kept my mouth shut and grabbed it later.

I took it home and pulled it apart. I bought and installed:

New rings (and aligned gaps correctly - smoking problem)
New Carb (running badly problem)
New connecting rod
New pull start
New spark plug
New spark plug boot
All new gaskets/seals

I planned on building a drag bike but then bought a race kart so now I am selling it for kart parts. Since I was putting it on a drag bike, I did the basics:

Removed governor (still have parts)
Removed low oil shut down (still have sensor)
Filed timing key for 8 degree advance
Re-jetted carb (still have stock jet)
Removed "charging coil" (still have it)

What it doesn't have:

Gas tank
Electric starter/electric starter system (DOES have new pull start)
Air filter
Has stock exhaust but it is rusted badly. (have not used new exhaust gasket)

I think that should cover all of the questions anyone has :) I am putting it up on OldMiniBikes first and will post on craigslist very soon.

I can send videos of it running if seriously interested. PM me.

Oh yeah, It runs great! So many toys, so little cash... bummer.

ps. I have two KT100's for sale too
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