HS50 valve guides.

Does anyone know the correct valve stem to guide clearance? Also has anyone removed the stock cast iron guides? If so how do you remove them. Wondering if they can be pressed out or if they are cast in and have to be machined out.
I have never replaced them in a hs50 but They can be driven out. It is much easier to get oversized valves, and ream the valve guide for the proper clearance for oversized valve stems. Are replacement valve guides available from tecumseh? You can possibly look up valve guides by size and find something that will work or be modified to work.
I am sure I could get some of the bronze guides with a .250 ID from goodson or cylinder head supply. I was just afraid to just try to press or drive them out if they were cast in. I would make sure to heat the block first then drive them out. I can't find anywhere what is acceptable. They are not sloppy loose and both intake and exhaust are about the same. I have two new std valves coming as well as a briggs exhaust which is longer but I can grind the retainer groove and cut it to proper length.


Well-Known Member
I replaced them in several Briggs and a 2.5hp Tec... Tap the guide with a 7mm tap, screw a threaded rod down into it, put a thick washer over the stud, one big enough to cover the valve seat, run a nut down the stud and tighten it up and the guide will pull out..
Do you know what the stem to guide clearance should be? Thanks for the removal tip that sounds like a good way to remove them