Jon from NE Minnesota

I recently purchased a Hawg Ty with the Honda clone engine. I was told that it had an oil leak, which it did and a gasoline leak. After removing the chains, the clutch, and the jackshaft plate, I was happy to see that the oil leak was nothing more than the rear "oil fill" cap leaking. A quick tightening of the cap solved that problem. it was also dumping gas into the cylinder. I took the carb off and cleaned the needle and seat but that didn't stop the gas leak. Tried taking the carb off again and cleaning it but it still dumped gas into the cylinder (no gas petcock - grrrrr!). I ordered a new carb (about $20 - what a deal!), put it on snf it no longer dumps gas into the cylinder. However, it starts fine and idles fine but as soon as I twist the throttle it dies. It dtarts up again right away but open the throttle and it dies. I wonder if i have the carb gaskets in the proper places. The new carb came with 3 gaskets, I found a Baja parts diagram online and tried to match the order in the diagram but looking at the carb plates and comparing them to the gaskets in the order of the Baja diagram doesn't look quite right.
Any guidance is appreciated!
Thanks, Jon


Well-Known Member
Hey Jon. Welcome to the fun.

Is the engine one of the clone engines?
Have you done any other modifications to it?
Hard to tell. I have ever only used one gasket between the carb and intake manifold.
Shoot a pic or two.