Just Wondering

On the old OldMiniBikes site a little black square appeared on the screen to let you know that you had a PM. I'm wondering if there is something comparable on the new site and I'm just overlooking it. Thanks guys, Ogy


Banned - Must pay $500
PM's will appear differently depending on operation systems and settings on your computer.

For myself, its a lot more than a little black square.
Hey Ogy

At the top of screen where it says Welcome Ogygopis , the next box is notification
It should go from grey to black when you have a message
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Hello Buck, Ogy's doing pretty good. Just finished spraying self etching metal primer on my tenth Campus bike yesterday. I'll give it a week to set up good before sending it out to the paint shop. Then all ten frames and all their accessories will have been painted and will be ready for assembly. Still have to trim up the plastic parts but I'll wait for warmer weather so I can do it outside. In the meantime I took five 3hp Briggs and five 4hp briggs motors off of the shelf and lined them up on the workbench. I have a couple of 5hp Briggs sitting on the shelf and although they were an option on the Fox Campus Bike; I don't think I'm going to do any of my bikes with a 5hp motor. Now all I have to do is completely restore ten Briggs & Stratton motors and I'll be ready for assembly. I'm figuring about another one to two years and I'll be finished. Thanks for asking about me Tom. Ogy