Mini Bike Maniac t-shirts

30 for a quality T shirt is not a bad price. Most 20 dollar T shirts only fit till they are washed a 2x shirt stay 2x wide and xs in length. Just my 2 cents I would pay 30 for a quality Golden pinto shirt
$30 for a quality shirt (Gildan or such) in Black, in a size that fits me comfortably (4x) is no problem.
I will be your Guinea Pig!
I will take 2.

PM me when your ready.

Bumpitty bump bump. Any progress on the black shirts?
Soon, I needed to clean up the artwork and I have been fighting with chronic pain with no clear cut diagnosis (Psoriatic arthritis, Fibromyalgia, or maybe even Lyme disease) So I haven't been able to do much of anything with my mini bikes or my artwork for awhile. However, I am planning on getting it done soon so I can have a small order printed up within the next month. I will keep you updated.