My first Mini Bike - Rupp Continental

Do you have the front blower housing for your motor and it is just missing the recoil unit, or are you missing the entire front cover? I was pretty sure you just needed the recoil part. If you get pics of the front of the motor where the recoil would go so I can make usre they are the same part, and you end up needing one, I could probably get this one to ya in Alambama for like 10 bucks.
A Ripcord? that's how I run all of my engines too.. Wylee Cyote style. :thumbsup: They NEVER break (not comes undone sometimes) There's no extra drag like you get from the older style Briggs ratchet things.. and they just look so damn cool. :evil_laughter: Makes it look old. The only down fall of a ripcord is the socket wanting to grab your pant leg. The Suicycle is not bad down the open asphalt if you keep in mind it's down there spinning, but I've noticed when you get wild and crazy down the trails is when it will get you because you're not paying attention. Some kind of cover is probably best if you are the safety first kind of guy. :doah:
I have the blower housing. I would be happy to pay $20 (I’m paying extra for the bolts :thumbsup:) for the recoil starter assembly with the bolts. It’s $85 for a new one. Just send me a PM with the address.

Hm, this one I have is round. More like an over sized Tecumseh starter or something. I think this one goes to the newer Wisconsin motors but it was off and by it self when I got it, so I'm not sure. They are probably not the same part. I would take pics but the camera seams to be having a bit of an issue at the moment.