Now that's a paint booth Boeing 777

Cool vid. It almost seems a shame to cover up all of that shiny new aluminum. I have friends who work at Boeing, and I love to hear their stories about building airplanes.
That vid is from the 45-01 of very few 777 basecoat/clearcoat birds-

I'm partial to this one from my building...Kieran Read and Andy Ellis from World Champs All Blacks Rugby team walking out Air New Zealands 777

Notice the primer is non-chromate epoxy instead of the old "yellow death"...I'm painting the lettering at 1:17 and 1:53-

Short version w/terrible music:doah:...

Pulling the trigger is, strip sanding upper AND lower wings because they have too much paint on them...not much fun...
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one of the shipyards I used to work at (san diego) had a similar setup that had a hydro blaster to strip paint from ship hulls then paint. They used to have to cover the entire drydock with plastic so none of the overspray or paint chips would end up in the water.