Old Timer Needs Our Help....Please.


Well-Known Member
As ya'll have read, Old Timer just lost his son. His wife also suffered a massive heart attack and is in critical condition. All in the same week.
I can't imagine what he must be going through. Life is tough enough without such tragedy. Let alone all at once.

I reached out offering what ever help I could to him.
I recieved a private message from him. He not only has these two issues, but also dealing with no funds or insurance.

I don't know Vic but have a heart for people.

I am beginng a fund with a small donation to help a fellow OldMiniBikes brother out.

I challenge each of you to do the same. If you would be willing to help send me a private message and I will give you my address. I will forward all funds recieved to Vic.

This is just one way we can help a fellow who really needs it.



Active Member
Pm me your address and ill sell some bike parts off and help as much as i can. Great idea buck. Oldtimer seams like a really great guy


New Member
I tried the papal link and get a pop up saying there is no email something something program to preform this task .Is this something on my end not set up? :shrug: Dave
I think we should set it up on that site.

We would be able to see how much was raised.
I think the money should just be paypal'd directly to Vic. I just sent him some myself. It will help him financially, but most of all, I hope it puts a smile on his face each time he gets an email notification from Paypal !! The financial help is one thing, lifting his spirits right now will be priceless...

I really hope everyone can find it in their heart to send what they can...even if it's just $5.Small price to put a smile on Vic's face in this time of need....


Well-Known Member
PayPal worked for me.

I wasn't going to click on this subject
because I had no idea what Old Timer
referred to......Glad I was caught up on
all the other subjects I watch and decided
to see what this subject was about.

Maybe add to the Main Subject Title
to help any other members understand?
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